The Washington State Snooker League Season 3
General League info:
The Washington State Snooker League (WSL) is a combined effort between OX Billiards and Empire Billiards. The goal of WSL is to strengthen the sport of snooker in Washington State and to provide a non-handicapped league that is competitive, friendly, and ranks players’ skill and effort.
WSL is a singles league that meets weekly for competitions. We are looking for 24 players for Season 3
• Season 3 is a round-robin format where everyone plays everyone else two frames per match.
• Season 3 will begin play on October 15th and last through January 28th, with bye weeks over the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and end of year holidays.
•All league matches will be at OX.
•There will be three general times of the day with two matches per time slot. (see spreadsheet below) The morning matches begin at 10:00 am, The early afternoon matches begin at 1:00pm and the late afternoon matches begin at 4:00pm
Season 3 schedule with 24 players, Cred. to Dave Daly
Matches, Make-ups, Pre-play and Being Stood-Up:
Format and Tie-Breakers
Each player will have two matches per week. The matches consist of two frames. So, in total, each player will play four frames every week. The league scoring will be based on frames won throughout the season. A league tie-breaker will be head-to-head records. The second tie-breaker will be the high break over the course of the season, so remember to include that in your scoresheets. A third tie-breaker will be determined by how much money a player donates to WSL. Ah, just kidding— only testing to see if you are actually reading this.
Make-up and Pre-play Matches
In order to keep the league moving along, make-up matches and pre-play matches are to be scheduled before the actual match is set to occur. Meaning, if you know you will miss a week, let your opponent know well in advance or you risk forfeiting that week. The assumption is that everyone will play their scheduled match, and it is up to the player who will miss, to reach out and inform their opponent first, then inform the WSL.
Please have open communication with your opponent and WSL league admin. After reaching out to your opponent, contact league admin via email at
Make-up matches cannot be played during league play. They can be played after league play is finished if the following are true…
Make-up matches must pay full price for table time.
Make-up matches must be reported to league admin prior to the match.
All make-up matches scores must be turned in by Feb. 4th end of day or both players will receive no scores for missing weeks.
A player has been “stood-up” if they arrive at the club on time and their opponent does not show at all and has not communicated that they will not show. If a player is stood up, they will receive points for winning the two frames (2-0).
If a player is 15 minutes late to their match, they will forfeit one frame. If the player is 30 minutes late to their match, they will forfeit a second frame. There are always exceptions, but they must be extreme circumstances.
Pre-play matches are allowed. If a player(s) anticipates that they will miss a match then, a pre-play match will be allowed under these conditions:
Both players have to agree on the pre-play match time.
Pre-play matches cannot be played during league play. They can be played after league play is finished if the following are true…
Pre-play matches must pay full price for table time.
Pre-play matches must be reported to league admin prior to the match.
Awards and Prizes:
The top point earner will be the winner of the season. The Player pot will payout the top 38% of a 24 player field. The top 9 players will be in the money and seeded in a Seattle Snooker Open Qualifying tournament to be held after Season 3. The Seattle Snooker Open is slated for March 18-20th.
Rules and Etiquette:
Snooker is a game of etiquette and rules. WSL encourages professional etiquette and adherence to the rules. WSL follows the WPBSA rules for snooker with minor exceptions. It is up to the player to know the rules. WSL will provide a rule book and clarification during league play, but not knowing a rule is no excuse for breaking a rule. The WSL team has open meetings before every season in order to fine tune and adjust our league. We invite players to add their input and feedback. After Season 3’s meeting, our team has decided on the following special rules that do not necessarily coincide with the WPBSA rules:
After a foul and a miss, a player can only attempt to get out of the snooker three times so long as the “snookers required” rule is followed. The player’s third attempt must be a VALID effort to hit the ball that is on and cannot be played as a defensive play or intentional snooker. Invalid attempts will result in a 7-point foul and replay the attempt. Ask for assistance from a floating ref to keep an eye on the position of the balls on the table or to watch a third attempt .
If attempt #1 or #2 results in an invalid snooker, the non-offending player may request a “play from there.” And the sequence starts over. Meaning, two put-backs are reset.
A player who is snookered may only have three attempts and if that third VALID attempt results in an invalid snooker, the non-offending player may request to have the offending player “play from there” and the sequence starts over. Meaning, two put-backs are reset. As long as the “snookers required” rule is followed.
Players will re-spot color balls for their opponent and call out the break score.
If it is not your turn to shoot, you must return to your seat and remain silent while your opponent is at the table. Do not stand, move, or make noises in the line of sight of your opponent’s shot. No wandering around the peripheral of your opponent’s sight. Just return to your seat. Snooker is difficult enough, and repeated sharking could result in a 7-point foul or forfeit of the frame.
Score your own points AFTER your break is over and vocalize your score so both players can hear to avoid confusion.
Both players must sign the score sheet after each match.
All players must refrain from sudden loud outbursts, negative comments, abusive language or fighting. Any fighting or abusive behavior can result in removal from the league without a refund and if severe enough the player won’t be allowed in future leagues or tournaments.
Beginning players may elect a mentor for their match or call a time out for help from another player.
WSL is a competitive league in a difficult sport. Ultimately we want to improve and help others improve. We improve by practicing and competing. So, be professional and encouraging to all members/players of WSL.
Dress Code:
WSL has a limited dress code but encourages players to dress formal in preparation for the Seattle Open- where formal dress will be required. Here are some exceptions to dress:
If playing on the TV table- You must dress business casual: collared shirt, pants, and shoes. No obscene, political, or offensive language on clothing. If you are not dressed appropriately, then your match will not be streamed. TV table matches will be set prior to the beginning of the season, after the schedule has been produced.
If not playing on the TV table- Casual dress is fine. Avoid wearing shorts or flip flops, unless you want to add a big donation to the WSl. Ah, just kidding again— checking to see if you are still reading this. No obscene, political, or offensive language on clothing.
No soiled or smelly clothes.
No overpowering cologne.
No large belt buckles or keychain clips that might scratch the tables.
WSL Season 3 is a 12 week season and will cost $240.00 for the season ($20/ week). The entry fee is split in half. One half goes to the player pot and the other half goes to the WSL.
Any changes or additions to these rules will be announced to all participants.