Snooker Glossary
Parts of a snooker table
100, Century, Ton - scoring 100 points or more in one break.
147, Maxi, Maximum - highest score possible in one break.
Baize - a napped wool cloth on a snooker table, English pool table, or Chinese 8-ball table; like felt/cloth in pool.
Break - A break is defined by how many points were earned in a single turn, i.e. a 50 break is when a player scores 50 points in one turn.
Break-off - first shot to start a snooker game, or a break in pool.
Cannon - causing the cue ball to hit a secondary ball or pack of balls after the cue ball hits the object ball.
Double - a single bank-shot in pool.
Fluke - Unintentionally potting a ball, usually followed by an apology.
Flooker - Unintentionally snookering your opponent, usually followed by an apology.
Plant - hitting a target ball into another ball to make the pot, or a combo in pool
Pot, potting - making an object ball in the pocket.
Rest - an X-shaped bridge, or crutch in pool.
Treble - a double bank shot, or z-bank in pool.
Snooker - When another ball is in the path of the cue ball and an object ball that is on.
Spider - a rest that stands tall over a snooker ball when the cue ball is hampered.
WPBSA - World Professional Billiard and Snooker Association
WSC - World Snooker Championship.
WST - World Snooker Tour
WWS - World Women's Snooker
WPBSA - World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association